Raise your hand if growing up you were “that friend” who couldn’t stomach scary movies. Don’t worry, this is a safe space. I hated scary movies for as long as I could remember. In my youth I didn’t find the sensation of clenching your toes for 80 minutes straight particularly appealing, so I just let horror movies exist in their lane. Their lane, approximately 39 and a half feet away from mine. Of course, fast forward fifteen years and one Media Arts Studies degree later, and that’s not really an option anymore. The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (1920) My scholarly dives into the genre have taken me to some interesting places, most of them very fascinating. The Shining stands out as one example of a film I never thought I’d love growing up, but here I am. But unfortunately, that's not the experience I have with every scary movie. T his summer, I finally viewed a certain horror film, a...
“But isn’t it time we stopped accepting in film criticism an anti-emotional, phony rationalism which we know to be not just harmful, but absurd, in any other context? Isn’t it time we plucked up our courage and allowed our hearts as well as our heads to go the pictures?” Raymond Durgnat (Films and Feelings) 1971