Once Upon a Time ...when The Professor was a teaching assistant for his film program’s introductory class, he had to plan and execute a lesson on film directing. The idea was to show them clips from two separate versions of the "Beauty and the Beast" fairy-tale and compare and contrast the directorial visions. When he told them neither of the films were Disney, one of his students blurted out something along the lines of “Wait, there are Beauty and the Beast movies that aren’t Disney?” So ... Beauty and the Beast is hardly the only fairy-tale to experience this. The Disney retelling of any fairy-tale tends to supplant any pre-existing version of the story. We’re casually aware that fairy-tales came from “long ago” but give little thought to how these stories may have been shaped by telling and retelling across generations—this is just how the stories are , we think. The public is largely unaware, for example, that Grimm’s Snow Wh...
“But isn’t it time we stopped accepting in film criticism an anti-emotional, phony rationalism which we know to be not just harmful, but absurd, in any other context? Isn’t it time we plucked up our courage and allowed our hearts as well as our heads to go the pictures?” Raymond Durgnat (Films and Feelings) 1971